Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Bogus News

With the exception of public holidays, The Jakarta Post arrives every morning at 6am and every school day I read it from about 6:15am until 6:50am. On weekends, I rise much later of course and read it far more thoroughly. The local and international content is depressingly unchanging. The names and faces change but the underlying themes remain the same. This is the bogus news as Barry Long used to say, which is really no news at all. I think I'll stop commenting on it.

I just read a blog by somebody who had written down, in condensed form, his seventy most interesting dreams from the mid-1970s. He was familiar with Jungian psychological concepts and described several dreams involving Meher Baba, so the dreams struck a reponsive chord in me. Reading about this guy's inner world was far more stimulating than the vast majority of articles I've read on the pages of that tawdry rag that masquerades as the expat's daily newspaper here in Jakarta.

In view of the fact that this is my 100th post, I've decided to rename this blog Postings from Inner Space and to renounce its former name, The Jakarta Post. Prior to that it was called Ramshackle Ramblings and initially it was Ramshackle Ramifications. Let's see how long this name lasts but I hope the name change will help give this blog a renewed and more energetic focus.

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