Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Love Me, Love My Creation

Today I woke up around 4am and went down to the lounge room to have some toast and coffee while I watched some YouTube videos. Usually I watch a commentary on a chess game or some alternative news channel. The recommended Meher Baba videos are often quite long and so I'm reluctant to start watching them. However, I noticed that there was a video that was only eight minutes long, so I selected that. It turned out to be snippet of an earlier live stream from a room in Meherabode in Los Angeles that I'd actually come across a few days ago.

Meherabode: Los Angeles

I watched the video of the room and then it segued into another video that featured an audio account of a Baba Lover who had met Baba briefly in Meherabad back in April 15th 1966. The person was then a teenager or young adult and so would have been a similar age to me at the time. His recollections lasted about 15 minutes. 

The aspect of this person's account that struck a resonant chord with me was his observation that God does not stand apart from his creation but is immersed in it. God experiences his creation through his created creatures. While watching it, the thought of Love Me, Love My Creation came over me. We can love God by loving the creatures that we encounter in our own life. These creatures may be humans or animals or even plants.

My own thoughts fell on my poor blind dog, Gromit. I try to take care of her as best I can. I feed her, take her for walks, wash and groom her, touch her and talk to her. Toy poodles are high maintenance dogs as anyone who has ever owned one knows. I do spend time and energy on her but I'm often perfunctory about it and spend vastly more time on my own pursuits. 

One takeaway of this experience was simply to remember that God is always accessible via his creatures and that I should spend a little more time, in my case, taking care of Gromit and making her more comfortable. Baba has said that around 4am is the best time for meditation and spiritual matters. If I'm up at 4am, why not watch a Baba video and set the tone for the day ahead. That was the other takeaway.

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