Sunday, June 05, 2016

Bread and Circuses

Having recently signed up to Netflix, I'm more aware of the diversity of series and movies on offer. I've just finished binge-watching "House of Cards" and there's plenty of other content to tempt me in addition to what I regularly watch. I don't follow much sport but recently I've noticed that the Diamond League Athletics meetings are being posted to YouTube and so I've been watching some of those. I don't watch television per se but many do, feasting on game and quiz shows, talent quests, reality shows and so on. Combine television and Netflix (or its equivalents) with social media activity on the Internet and there's not much time left for anything else, especially if you're holding down a full time job.

It was only when I stopped working that I found I had time to follow some of the dominant themes on alternative media. Prior to that I had watched YouTube videos about 9/11 for example but sporadically and never in a sustained, regular fashion. Without the distractions of working, I've had time to investigate issues relating to fiat currencies, global warming, vaccinations, NASA, New World Order (NWO) and so on. I feel like the scales have dropped from my eyes over the past year. It is easy though to just watch Netflix and television, be active on social media, follow your favourite sports and get all your news about the world from Main Stream Media (MSM). The issues raised by alternative media are complex and disturbing but MSM constantly dumbs things down with offers like "overview of the Syria crisis in 1 minute " or "we've reviewed this (conspiracy theory) book so you don't have to waste time reading it".

The Internet is changing and alternative media is being squeezed out, slowly and in a not so subtle manner. YouTube channels that regularly attract thousands of viewers are suddenly demonetised without explanation or even warning. Internet content is being removed on the basis that it is inciting hatred when in fact it is often just provoking a deeper look at controversial issues. Dangerous as these developments are, it is even more disturbing that the majority of people simply don't care and hence the title of this post: Bread and Circuses. These two commodities are what the Roman emperors gave the citizens of Rome to keep them happy. I was looking today in a local store at the large screen, high definition, smart TVs on display. It's easy to be seduced by this sort of technology, especially a technophile like myself. Most of the screens when purchased will be used to watch frivolous content or play video games.

Meanwhile the global elite is free to pursue its nefarious agenda no matter what suffering and loss of life are involved. Politicians and political institutions exist to serve their economic overlords. They do not exist to serve you. You can choose between one or another but there is no essential difference between any of them. Law enforcement exists to enforce their laws. If you live in a so-called democracy, you may well be able to say whatever you want but that's only because those in charge don't feel threatened. Any real threat to this established order will be eliminated, by whatever means necessary. There will always be trouble-makers but provided that there aren't too many of them (and bread and circuses help ensure this), then the powers-that-ought-not-to-be will be distracted.