Tuesday, March 23, 2021


It's not often that I have a very explicit dream about numbers or a number. Last night I was aware that I was in a long queue with unseen people and a voice announced that we should take note of the number that was displayed on the back of the person in front of us. The number was displayed in large black print and in my case the number was 189. I had been thinking of slipping away and leaving the queue but then I realised that the person behind me would have noted the number displayed on my back and that I was thus a marked man.

That was the extent of the dream, although there is a vague memory of another number which I think was 1094. However, this recollection is more mental quite different to my close-up and very visual encounter with 189. On waking, I was left wondering what was the significance of this number. Firstly, it should be noted that 189 wasn't MY number. It was the number on the back of the person in the queue. Given that I was behind this person in a winding line of other people, it might be supposed that my number was 190. However, this is sheer conjecture. Let's return to 189 and explore the properties of this number because this is the number that I saw so clearly and closely in front of me.

The site AngelNumbers had this to say:
The number 189 does not appear at random, especially if it is frequent. If you have noticed this number too often, it is a sign from the angelic realm. Indeed, your guardian angels want to get in touch with you. They have a message to give you, but to find out, you will have to look for the meaning of the angelic number 189.

In order to help you find the message from your guardian angels, we will immediately give you the full meaning of the angelic number 189. To capture what the angelic realm is trying to send you, be attentive while reading while remaining focused.
Trust, you are fully supported financially if you focus your time and energy on your divine purpose of life which consists of spiritual topics for which you are passionate. Your guardian angels also tell you that you will need to have faith and confidence that your financial needs will be met while you pursue your goal of divine life.
The message that comes with the angelic number 189 is that the world needs your talents and skills, you will now have to fully live your goals and passions. Your guardian angels support you, surround you with love and encourage you. Also, it's time to consider a new job or a change of profession or career. You will have to free yourself from the old so that you can do something you love.
The angelic number 189 prompts you to begin a new stage in your life that will allow you to become a worker of light in the service of your fellow men and of all humanity. Your positive attitude and affirmations about the purpose of your divine life will give you the opportunity to serve as your soul dictates to you. Allow blessings to enter your life, and use them to your advantage and the benefits of others. By serving the purpose of your soul, you manifest good at all levels.
The number 189 is a mixture of the energies of the number 1, the vibrations of the number 8 and the influences of the number 9. The number 1 symbolises creation, new beginnings, willpower, ambition, motivation, insight, intuition, inspiration, status and initiative. It also encourages you to step out of your comfort zone while reminding yourself that you are creating your own reality with your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.                         
The number 8 represents the influences of inner wisdom, authority, reliability, patience, practicality, material success, wealth, abundance, and karma, universal and the universal and spiritual law of cause and effect. The number 9 resonates with the positive example for others, compassion, benevolence, service to humanity and generosity while vibrating with the ends and conclusions.

Another site, also on the theme of angel numbers, had this say: 

What Does 189 Mean?

189=1+8+9=18, 1+8=9

If you see angel number 189, the message relates to the field of relationships and hobbies and says that You acted wisely having opened your soul to the world, having ceased to demand visible and tangible benefits from it. From now on, nothing will prevent you from doing only what your heart draws you to. You may come across minor disappointments and big trouble on the chosen path. But there will be much more joy and happiness anyway. This is the indefeasible law of the universe, which you must faithfully believe in.

I didn't know what "indefeasible" meant so I had to look up its meaning:

All this talk about new beginnings and fulfilling my potential fits in nicely with my forthcoming 72nd birthday when one is naturally drawn to thinking about the purpose of ones life and how best to spend the remaining time.