Tuesday, August 18, 2020

David Bohm and the Implicate Order

I'm reading Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe" that was first published in January of 1996. This was quite a significant month in my life. I started reading David Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" but found it heavy going and thought that Talbot's book might be a lighter introduction to the subject. 

This has proven to be the case but in "The Holographic Universe" reference is made to numerous people and events that deserve coverage in their own right. One such person is Therese Neumann and in his book Talbot references a book by Montague Summers titled "The Physical Phenomenon of Mysticism" published in 1950. Therese Neumann was still alive at this time (she was born in 1898 and died in 1962). I was able to find this book on the Internet Archive and am looking forward to reading it. 

The Wikipedia article about her is predictably largely negative but does mention that "Paramahansa Yogananda visited her and wrote about her case in his book Autobiography of a Yogi, published in 1946. He wrote an entire chapter, Therese Neumann, The Catholic Stigmatist of Bavaria, which reverently gives a vivid first-hand description of one of her Friday Passion trances." I have this book so I'll have a read of the chapter relating to her.

Talbot also writes in his book about the Jansenists who he introduces in these terms:
... one of the most astounding manifestations of psychokinesis, and one of the most remarkable displays of miraculous events ever recorded, took place in Paris in the first half of the eighteenth century. The events centered around a puritanical sect of Dutch-influenced Catholics known as the Jansenists, and were precipitated by the death of a saintly and revered Jansenist deacon named Francois de Paris. Although few people living today have even heard of the Jansenist miracles, they were one of the most talked about events in Europe for the better part of a century.

I found a book on the Internet Archive titled "The Jansenists: their rise, persecutions by the Jesuits, and existing remnant: a chapter in church history" by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, (1813-1875). It was published in 1851. This too should be an interesting read. Interestingly it's available on Amazon who have the cheek to charge $0.99 for it, presumably because it's taking up such a large amount of space on its servers.

Talbot's book also contains an interesting little anecdote about Wolfgang Pauli (Robert Jahn is aerospace scientist and Brenda Dunne, a clinical psychologist, was his associate in a number of ESP experiments that they worked on together) :

Jahn and Dunne think their findings may explain the propensity some individuals seem to have for jinxing machinery and causing equipment to malfunction. One such individual was physicist Wolfgang Pauli, whose talents in this area are so legendary that physicists have jokingly dubbed it the “Pauli effect” It is said that Pauli's mere presence in a laboratory would cause a glass apparatus to explode, or a sensitive measuring device to crack in half. In one particularly famous incident a physicist wrote Pauli to say that at least he couldn't blame Pauli for the recent and mysterious disintegration of a complicated piece of equipment since Pauli had not been present only to find that Pauli had been passing by the laboratory in a train at the precise moment of the mishap! Jahn and Dunne think the famous “Gremlin effect,” the tendency of carefully tested pieces of equipment to undergo inexplicable malfunctions at the most absurdly inopportune moments, often reported by pilots, aircrew, and military operators, may also be an example of unconscious PK activity.

Before "Wholeness and the Implicate Order", "The Holographic Universe", Therese Neumann, the Jansenists and Wolfgang Pauli, there was this video that first introduced me to the ideas of David Bohm. However, it is now private so I can no longer link to it.

After watching and learning about Bohm's ideas about the explicate and implicate order, I knew that I had to find out more. The important part that the Fourier Transform played in his conception of how it all worked was particularly fascinating. I found a paper on Semantic Scholar by the video's creator, Shelli Joye, that discusses matters in more detail. 

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Working for Baba

Photo: © Meher Nazar Publications

A quote attached to a Baba post on Instagram caught my attention today. Here is what it contained:
"I have to work in My own way, having had to look to everything in these times of great spiritual upheaval. What it means, you have no idea. You all have to do great work for Me in the future, as and when allotted to you; and you must be in full spirit and strength for all that. This mental depression tells upon your health and energy, which are both essential for future work and should not be unnecessarily wasted like this ... I see in some a spirit of depression, total dejection at times. Why? Have you any idea of the greatness of the task that is ahead for the spiritual upheaval of the world! It will require a spirit that is prepared to face anything, rigid and  immovable like a rock, weathering all blasts of winds and storms from all four corners. You all have in you latent that spirit and iron will, and I am working at all that to bring it out ... Soon great events of great changes everywhere will transpire in rapid succession, transforming the very ideal and outlook of life all the world over, and a new awakening for the life spiritual will result, as I have been repeatedly telling you. You are all being prepared for your different parts in this Great Divine Drama that has to be enacted, and in which I am to play a leading part. Are you not glad that you have to play your parts with Me?
All My Love"

Love Alone Prevails by Kitty Davy pg.123
It is certainly a message for our time, for "these times of great spiritual upheaval" where "mental depression tells upon ... health and energy" and where even "total dejection" can overtake some. These are times that will require not "a spirit of depression" but "a spirit that is prepared to face anything, rigid and immovable like a rock, weathering all blasts of winds and storms from all four corners".

These are times when "great events of great changes everywhere will transpire in rapid succession, transforming the very ideal and outlook of life all the world over, and a new awakening for the life spiritual will result." In these crazy COVID times it's easy to yield to depression, give up on humanity and withdraw from the world. However, even though the forces of evil seem to have seized total control of the planet, there are unseen and formidable spiritual forces at work that are in opposition and, hopefully, "a new awakening for the life spiritual will result". 

It is important in the meantime not to give way to despair but to hold on to Baba's damaan. These tyrannical times may yet bring unforeseen spiritual benefits. As more people lose their jobs and lapse into financial difficulties, as food shortages start to bite and as more curbs are placed on social interaction and travel, the spiritual realm begins to hold more appeal. It becomes more apparent in such times that the world is a nasty place, controlled by nasty people with an agenda that is anti-human and anti-God.

I'm reminded of the lyrics to Bill Fay's song, The Healing Day, that run thus:

It'll be okay
On the healing day
No more going astray
On the healing day
Yeah we'll find our way
On the healing day
To where the children play
On the healing day

When the tyrant is bound
And the tortured freed from his pain
And the lofty brought to the ground
And the lonely rage

Ain't so far away
That healing day
Coming to stay
The healing day
Every battleground
Is a place for sheep to graze
When it all comes tumbling down
All the palaces and parades

It'll be okay
On the healing day
No more going astray
On the healing day
Yeah we'll find our way
On the healing day
To where the children play
On the healing day