Friday, January 05, 2018

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

"All we really yearn for is our own absence, after all, we yearn for what happens at death. Ahhh ... I don't have to worry about that anymore."
Nice quote from Jim Carrey in the film "Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond" watched on Netflix. We put so much energy into building ourselves, being ourselves, a lifetime of input to build our egos and associated empires. As the Buddha purportedly said according to Vipassana meditation:
In this flow of the world I have taken so many times birth ... birth after birth for so many lives, countless lives. And every time I have taken birth I kept running incessantly. And some wise people in some lives told me that I can get out of this cycle of misery provided I can witness the Creator. Many lives I kept searching for the Creator, the Creator of This House. In search of the Creator of the House, again and again I kept getting birthed full of misery. Oh builder of the house, now I have seen you. You can't build any house for me anymore. Now, I have destroyed everything. I have destroyed all the building materials. You can't make a building for me. My mind is now free of all sankhara [wandering thought-forms] and the craving is rooted out. 
Hollywood is saying of course that Jim Carrey has lost it but what he's saying is no different from what I've been thinking about these past couple of years ... that I'm just a figment of my imagination. Figment meaning "something made up, invented, or fabricated". It's similar to playing the part of a character in a play. However, I have a physical body, This House as the Buddha put it, and it is in that body that the drama is played out.