Monday, February 11, 2008

Prime Week

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 12th February, is a prime day for me. It's number 21499. As it turns out, Friday is also a prime day, number 21503, and so it's sort of a prime week for me. After this, it's two weeks exactly before I encounter prime day 21517 which is followed closely by a whole bunch of prime days (the twin primes 21521 - 21523 and then 21529). After that it's nearly a month until I enjoy twin prime days again with 21557 - 21559. Sometimes, like today, the prime days just sneak up on me and catch me by surprise. I need to do a little more forward planning by marking them in a special calendar that I guess I should reserve for just that purpose.

I quite understand that most people will not share my fascination with prime numbers and I've been labeled insane by one person when I shared a particular theory of mine about prime numbers and God-realization. However, I remain unperturbed and will refine my theory further before launching it on Scribd. If you haven't been to this site, you must visit. There is a cornucopia of information on it and a great many e-books by well-known and little-known authors. My most recent download was Nikola Tesla's autobiography which is simply fascinating. The more I visit, the more I download and I simply don't have time to read them.

Even as I write this, I was tempted to visit the site and type "prime numbers" into the search box. One of the search results was "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time" which is a novel I read last year. The reason this novel came up is that the central character "Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. Although gifted with a superbly logical brain, Christopher is autistic." It was an interesting read and Christopher certainly shares my passion for prime numbers.

Well, it's already prime day 21499 and I have school tomorrow, so time for bed.

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