Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mellow Yellow

I uploaded this doodle to Facebook recently. I completed it during the Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony on Friday. At that point it was only black and white but I colorised it using GIMP and end result I called "Mellow Yellow" after Donovan's 1966 hit. It was only then that I realised that this was the year that I completed my own Secondary education. My doodle garnered twelve likes and some comments so I was quite surprised. It occurred to me that this is my only creative activity nowadays. I play music on my guitar but I don't create any music. I interact with technology a lot but again I don't create anything. I'm encouraged to try my hand at some more doodles, working first with pen on paper, then scanning the finished product and finally colorising it using image editing software. Let's see if I can create some other doodles during the holiday period that lies ahead of me.

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