Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Had I died in January of 2020, I would have left with a relatively positive view of the world. I could travel wherever the whim took me and on very short notice to most countries because of my Australian passport. Sure, I knew the world was run by a global elite who controlled the banking system and mainstream media but that didn't seem to affect my daily life. Cut to June 30th of 2021 and things are so vastly different.

I don't need to spell out how different. Over the past year and a half, the iron grip of the global elite on NGOs, governments, health services and mainstream media has become glaringly obvious to many, even while the majority remain oblivious. The depopulation agenda, once a seemingly unrealisable fantasy of the psychopathic cabal, is now being realised and people are lining up to participate. What's particularly loathsome are the celebrities and musicians who have actively aided the globalist agenda. At least one of my favourite musicians has had the guts to stand up and speak his mind. That would be Van Morrison. Contrast the Van to Bruce Springsteen and his recent concert for the vaccinated only. The latter is off my listening list for good now. 

Part of the price for spiritual advancement is disillusionment with the "glamour" of the world and if I were to die today, I would be leaving with a sense of profound disillusionment with all the world has to offer. Such an attitude promotes rebirth with an innate disinterest in the world and accelerates progress on the spiritual path. It's also possible to take up residency on the subtle plane and not return to this shit hole ever again. There are 8.4 million occupants and vacancies must come up from time to time as souls move on to the mental plane. Less likely but who knows? For those who remain, the full horror of what is being wreaked on the planet will become clear and a profound distrust of global organisations, politicians and government, health authorities and media outlets will arise. Hopefully some of the more prominent individuals will be called to account.

The emptiness of the technocratic vision will promote a revival of spiritual values but not a return to organised religions. Those religions have failed us by allying themselves with the powers-that-be or, rather, ought-not-to-be. The different faiths have divided humanity instead of uniting it. As the one hundred year period following Baba's death in 1969 draws to a close, a Sadguru will arise who draws attention to the Avatar's most recent advent and a new spirituality will develop around what He left for a despairing humanity.

As I write this, it's the midpoint of the year. What horrors await us, I don't know. Only the psychopaths orchestrating this drama know what the plan is. Bankruptcies, depression, and suicides will continue but the toll on children is inestimable. The current crop of children may be the last as they fall victim to irreparable damage to their reproductive organs. Herded into smart cities, tracked and traced, medicated, irradiated by 5G, brainwashed by the media, gender-confused ... these children would probably not want to reproduce anyway, even if they could.

However, each individual must cope with the horror in his or her own way. Even though I consider myself to be psychologically robust and medication-free, I wake up some days and feel an overwhelming sense of despair. It's like being in a vice and the vice is getting tighter, ever tighter. Where once I might have engaged in spirited debate about the state of the world, now I don't bother. There is nothing to debate. There is only division. Division between those who know what's going on and those who don't. 

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