Sunday, February 26, 2023


I'll keep this post quite general. Suffice to say that I volunteered to help a certain organisation with tasks that could be completely remotely. After an initial online screening by a member of the organisation, I was contacted by two other organisation members but after more than two months I've heard nothing more.

My feeling is that someone has viewed my Alternative Media blog and not liked some of the content. I may be wrong. It could be that the organisation is simply inefficient which is a defining characteristic of most organisations. The problem with most organisations lies with the administrators who are seemingly a breed apart from the rest of humanity.

During my early career as a psychiatric nurse and my later career as a teacher, it was mainly the administrators who caused problems. Organisations are empty shells with positions available to aspiring administrators who have an aversion to the day-to-day activities that the organisation is involved with.

I remember from my teaching days one particular "aspiring administrator" who began life as a classroom teacher but aspired to something higher. Opportunities were seized as they arose and this particular individual rose rapidly through the ranks. He remains highly placed to this day. He was not a particularly likable guy but his personality was well-suited to administration.

Not surprisingly, psychopaths are attracted to these positions of power where they can lord it over those who simply enjoy what they are doing, whether it be teaching or nursing or whatever. Naturally they cause no end of mischief because their allegiance is to themselves and not the organisations which they supposedly serve.

Some administrators are simply incompetent, thrust into their positions by force of circumstances and then failing miserably as the Peter Principle plays itself out. On larger stages, some of those elevated to positions of authority are promoted simply because they can be relied upon to do what they're told. In some cases, there is incriminating information about them that can be used to ensure their cooperation.

Whether in teaching, nursing, government organisations, charities, private enterprise, NGOs or whatever, administrators are at the helm for better or worse but usually the latter. Getting back to my recent brush with administrators, it's probable that a judgment was made that my views on certain matters were not compatible with the ethos of the organisation. I set myself up for that by making contact with the organisation in the first place.

The lesson to be learned is not to involve myself with organisations and the administrators who infest them. Having retired, I have no need to and I need to remember that.

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