Monday, May 27, 2024


In a post to my Alternative Media blog, I posted about saying farewell to Facebook for reasons explained in that post but another factor that I didn't mention was the process of needing to gradually let go of earthly concerns. Facebook was filled with photos, videos and stories of people who I once knew and interacted with but now they are no longer a part of my life. The few people outside my family that I still interact with are contactable by means other than Facebook.

Family and a very few friends will remain important to the end but the others are no longer relevant. My physical health has taken a battering over the past few weeks and this is a signal to focus on my psychological and physical well-being and forget the outside world. The world on the other side awaits and preparations should be made. While I've never been a team player, I feel that our successive lives are like a relay race and it's important to pass the baton cleanly to the next person so that they have the best possible start to their life.

My actions and attitudes in the time remaining to me will have important consequences for the person who takes up the baton from me. So I need to find out what's going on with my body at the moment as this is a challenge that needs to be faced and overcome. I'm not going to allow myself to remain in this debilated condition. Whether by diet, exercise or some form of meditation, I'll find a way through this.

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