Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A Day in the Life

I've started a photo blog on Picassa, Google's photo sharing site, in which I upload a photo every day. It's taken with the low resolution, VGA camera of my Nokia N73, quickly edited using the oilify option in my GIMP image editing software, transferred to my laptop via Bluetooth and then uploaded to Picassa. Of course, I could upload directly from my phone but my service provider charges by the kilobyte and so it would end up being a bit expensive.

So I'm creating a sort of mini-painting to capture the minutiae of my life. The motivation comes not so much from narcissism but from a sense that I need to start making more use of the wide range of online services available and coordinate them more efficiently. The photo album will be maintained at I'm simply numbering the photos as Day21366, Day21367 etc. with the numbers referring to the numbers of days I've been planet-side. I've included the very first photo (Day21366) in this current post.

June 30th 2021

The Picasa links above (and below in the comment) are no longer active!

1 comment:


I've actually removed that particular album because I got tired of uploading a photo everyday. However, you can still see my other albums on Picasa at