Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Active Meditation

There's nothing like a busy end of the school term and a week's long holiday to disrupt the regularity of blog posting but I'm determined to resume. I've done precious little meditation recently but I did follow an interesting tweet today from SambodhiPrem on Twitter that said "How I Entered the World of Meditation, Even Though I Couldn’t Sit Still! by Shanti World of Meditation, Seattle".

The hyperlink led to Shanti's page on the "The World of Meditation Center" and the graphic above was taken from the Meditations link on the opening page and shows links to various types of meditation, most of which I weren't aware of. Some of them are called "active meditations" that Osho recommended for busy Western minds that found sitting in silence for long periods to be very difficult. Shanti first met Osho on Christmas Day of 1973 in Bombay and the story is an interesting one. So I'm currently reading about these different forms of meditation and may end up applying some of them in my meditation practice.

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