Thursday, December 21, 2006

Terra Australis Incognita

This is a photograph of the guest house where we are staying in New Farm. You enter via these heavy wooden doors (visible to the left of the tree). So far our stay has been very pleasant. I guess one of the most visible differences between Indonesia and Australia is the height of the people. In Indonesia, I don't feel "height-challenged" but in Australia I definitely do. It's not just men that tower over me but many of the women as well. Desy describes it well when she says that she can always spot me in a mall in Jakarta by scanning heads, but not here in Oz. 

It has become for me terra Australis Incognita, "the unknown land of the south", full of people who are growing younger, taller and more purposeful with each successive annual visit. Sitting at pavement cafes, I wonder why Tony isn't smoking his rollies and then remember that the practice is now prohibited. He tells me smoking is also banned in pubs and clubs now. There are a great many rules and regulations in Oz and they all seem to be enforced. 

It wasn't long after I applied for a driver's licence last year, using Tony's address, that mail arrived asking why I hadn't registered as a voter for the recent State elections. Before long probably, the police will arrive at Tony's door with a summons for me to appear in court to explain why I didn't vote. The government's efficiency in extracting fines from it citizenry for all manner of offences is certainly impressive.

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