Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Pace of Change

I've prepared this post from within ScribeFire, a Firefox plug-in, that enables me to post to a blog from within the browser itself. It's very convenient and just another of the many features that are making blogging easier and easier. However, there are just so many new so-called "Web 2.0" features appearing in cyberspace that I feel like I need to spend all of my coming four weeks holiday just trying to catch up with them all. There seems to be an change of pace in Internet innovation or it is just that I'm not keeping up with the pace of change, as in the mice are running a little faster this year sort of thing.

I received a comment to my YouTube video about the Great Wall of Nippon. It was from a 29 year old Australian who wrote "this is such a pointless video and I hate your accent, it sounds very poor". I thanked him for this helpful feedback but explained that the video was intended as part of a blog post and wasn't meant to stand on its own. I was surprised that someone had come across the video from within YouTube but I guess it just goes to show that however obscure you think your posting might be, there is somebody out there that will stumble across it.

Powered by ScribeFire.

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