Monday, June 04, 2007

The cyber-mice are running a little faster this year

After marking examinations, correcting practical work and writing about one hundred reports, I'm ready for a holiday and finally I have time to blog again. I'm reverting to blogging from Word because I find that I like the output that it creates in Blogger. The ScribeFire that I used last time gives the text a cramped look, the same as what you get by simply editing within Blogger itself. Why this should be so I've no idea.

In reference to an earlier post, the IT article did get published in The Jakarta Post last Sunday but without my name displayed. That's standard practice I think for what is termed an "advertorial" which is presumably a cross between an advertisement and an editorial. Maybe I should try for another letter to the editor. Maybe my blacklisting period has expired. I'll have to choose my topic carefully in case I offend again.

It doesn't look as if there will be much travel these holidays. Home renovations and car upgrading will see to that. So I'll have four weeks or so to do much as I please. I'll certainly be spending a lot of time upgrading my computer skills because lately I feel like I'm slipping behind. It was nearly twenty years ago, in January of 1988, that I taught my first computer lesson and in those pre-Internet times, the pace of change was a lot slower.

In terms of experience, I guess I'm qualified to teach about the History of Computing. Hopefully it will be made a formal academic subject one day and when those cyber-mice start running just a little too fast for me, perhaps I can take up the teaching of it. I would be a living fossil who could talk of the dreamtime before the coming of the silicon ships ... oops, I mean chips.

Just in case that scenario doesn't pan out however, I intend to work on my musical skills over the holidays in an effort to boost my busking credentials. It may well be that, for an old IT teacher who couldn't handle the pace of change, the only livelihood will be to provide musical entertainment on the footpath to passers-by. It wouldn't be such a bad life, at least there would be no more reports to write.

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