Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ripple Effect

Having recently become aware of Eckhart Tolle, I watched a movie called Ripple Effect and was instantly reminded of his philosophy. Not surprisingly, I later discovered that Tolle has passed comment on the film and his favourable review is included on the film's website. He describes the film thus: a powerful archetypal journey from unenlightened living, dysfunction and despair to spiritual awakening. It's an impressive film and very well acted.

Meanwhile I've been slowly making my way through The Power of Now and more importantly I've been trying to practise it. As I wrote in an earlier post about taking my grand-daughter to the amusement centre at the local mall. There is an enclosed area that children can enter with an admission ticket and once inside, there is an assortment of play equipment to keep the little ones amused. She will play in there for more than an hour while I sit outside listening to a mind-numbing loop of children's nursery rhymes, sung in a grating sort of sing-song fashion by a group of children. In the past, I filled in the time by browsing the Internet on my mobile phone, catching up on the bogus news. Last time I visited, I didn't do this but instead tried to sit there and be in the now. I more or less succeeded and realised how little of my surroundings that I normally take in. Just sitting there, watching and listening to events as they unfolded, was quite satisfying and not boring at all. I need to do this sort of thing more often.

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