Sunday, November 01, 2009


No posts for August, September and October but with the start of November, it's perhaps time to resurrect this blog. Part of the problem has been the Great Firewall of China that prevented me from accessing Blogger directly. I could still have posted via Ponderous but for some reason I chose not to. Yesterday however, I managed to circumvent the Chinese Government's censorship using Hotspot Shield and it also marked the first day that I really accepted the reality of my changed circumstances, namely the fact that I now live in Shanghai and not Jakarta.

In my meditation I practise letting go of the past and future and sinking into the present but I really wasn't incorporating that ideal into my day-to-day life. I was still clinging to my old life in Jakarta and somehow feeling I was here in Shanghai on a holiday. I'm not. However, it's taken me nearly three months to realize that. My recent interest in learning more about the language was a sign I guess that change was imminent. About a fortnight ago, I'd started listening to Chinese language podcasts on my way to and from work and generally becoming more interested in the language.

Connecting with my last post, I can say that my daily practice of meditation has continued. I meditate every morning for about twenty minutes and sometimes I'll meditate later in the day if I'm feeling in any way perturbed. I've become quite practised and sensitive to such "perturbations" and can only marvel how I survived for so long without meditating on a regular basis. However, I'm far from self-satisfied and I'm definitely feeling a need to integrate physical movement and mental orientation. Recently I've become more diligent in my physical exercise but I need to anchor it in something like Tai Chi. Let's see what opportunities arise now that I'm more open to the possibilities of my new home.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

I admire your will power and self-discipline when it comes to regularly meditating.

I'm glad you're starting to get accustomed to your new location. Sometimes big changes take a while to sink in.

I hope you'll be able to communicate with us for a while.